Milijana de Mori

Milijana de Mori

ATL Member

Overcoming her eating disorder, war trauma and low self-esteem, Milijana now coaches clients from all around the world to overcome their eating disorders and trauma, for good.

A former gold medallist in 3 sports (kick-boxing, olympic weightlifting  and powerlifting; setting national records in  Croatia and Western Australia), she received the title Strongest Woman in Croatia. Coaching athletes and professionals to reach their best results in high stress situations is also her expertise.

Milijana is facilitating retreats and workshops in Europe, USA and Australia, holds a Bachelor of Business, is a HNLP master practitioner and completed many coaching modalities (EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Reiki, Access Bars).

She lives with her husband in beautiful Split since 2013 where they own a few tourist apartments and enjoy the Mediterranean climate.